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Searching for companies in your target market
Searching for companies in your target market

How to use Industry, Category and Location criteria to get a list of Company results

Sorina Vlasceanu avatar
Written by Sorina Vlasceanu
Updated over a week ago

Soleadify allows you to add use several types of criteria for filtering through our Companies database. The basic criteria types are: Industry, Category, Country or Region and City.

You may find more advanced criteria by using the "Add criteria" button in the Companies section of the application. These cover different topics:

  1. Firmographics: Number of Employees, No. of Physical Locations

  2. Digital Footprint: Company website, Website Keyword, Social Media Link, Website Attributes, Technology, SEO Score, Top Level Domain, Number of Site Pages, Organic Traffic, Alexa Rank, External Link, Language

For example, here are the steps in order to seek IT Companies in California of specific types that do not have mobile friendly websites.

  1. Navigate to the Companies section by using the bar on the left hand side of the screen.

  2. Click the Industry criteria and select "IT" from the list of values. There are two ways to use this type of criteria: type in "IT" or scroll and tick the checkbox next to the value.

  3. Click the Category criteria and select the target categories you are seeking. In the example, the following were selected: Hosting & Cloud Infrastructure Providers, Software Development Services, Tech Companies, Data Solutions.

  4. Click the Country / Region and select the Countries or States you are seeking. In the example, California was used as a target state.

  5. You may want to use the City criteria to narrow your search.

Since for every change your results list is refreshed automatically, it's a good practice to start with more broad terms for your criteria and then narrow it down in iterations. You don't want to start or jump to a too narrow criteria set.

The above steps are shown in the video below:

There are many ways to use combinations of the available criteria, so we'll just list a few example search templates to get you started:

  1. eCommerce stores selling clothes, underwear, shoes or accessories:

  2. Agencies that run ads, or performance, on Facebook, Google or other ad platforms:

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